Social media management

One third of the world's population is informed about new products and services through social media channels. Social media channels, which left television behind, are the most important source of information today. Social media management encompasses activities that convert followers into customers, taking advantage of the brand's growing popularity on social media platforms. The primary goal is to engage with an ever-expanding audience of potential customers.

Brand awareness is important for any brand, from giant corporations to small businesses. Customers want to get to know businesses before choosing their goods and services. When they cannot access information quickly and easily, they shift to competing companies.

Social media, when used correctly, has the power to engage an online audience. People who like or follow a product are good candidates for brand loyalty. Brand loyalty is the basis of all consumer preferences.Visiting the same cafe every Saturday is as much about brand loyalty as purchasing the latest model car of a world giant brand.

Make a difference with professional social media management

Some businesses choose to manage their social media accounts on their own with insufficient knowledge and experience. However, the algorithm of social media channels is constantly changing. Professionals in the industry keep up with the changes they follow. Experts who apply innovations instantly increase the number of followers and strengthen the brand image.

Professional social media management, which starts with competitor and market analysis, adds value to the brand. AristoMedia determines a strategy in the light of analysis and identifies social media platforms suitable for the habits and lifestyle of the target audience. Makes the necessary setup for your company's new social media accounts. If existing accounts will continue, they must be transferred to AristoMedia. The determination of the appropriate social media management package and sharing language is done by a joint decision. AristoMedia prepares a separate social media plan for each platform.

The goal is to build brand awareness first and then brand loyalty. AristoMedia prepares regular content that serves a strategy and reflects the right message. It presents the contents and plans to the approval of the company at every stage. Social media interactions, messages and comments are answered by AristoMedya in line with the company's demands and directed to the necessary department.

Engaging texts, quality images and stylish videos turn followers into customers. AristoMedia effectively uses advertising campaigns and all social media tools in professional social media management. Evaluates the results and makes new plans in line with the reports.

Social media management specific to each platform

Social media platforms are constantly evolving and changing. Every day, new channels, new applications or regulations appear. Each social media platform appeals to a different audience. For an effective social media management, AristoMedia first determines the platforms suitable for the target audience. It designs the content suitable for the platform and strategy in line with the social media plan. The message of the contents should be compatible and consistent with the design. AristoMedia carefully designs special content for each platform.

Search engine optimization (SEO) in social media management

AristoMedia adopts successful SEO projects to social media platforms. Thus, it can reach the target audience and stand out in search engines. SEO practices are vital in corporate social media accounts. A professional social media manager knows SEO methods, practical tips, and the most effective tools. And he constantly improves his skills and experience in the field.


The metrics are effective in determining the most accurate route for social media management. Social media reports allow you to identify people who see and interact with content. It gives information about people's location, income level, shopping habits, activities and friends. However, reaching these metrics and evaluating them correctly requires expertise.

Social media is a constantly evolving and changing environment. A social media channel may be very popular one day and disappear the next. Professionals who have mastered the dynamics of social media have an idea of possible changes. They anticipate flash changes and new trends. There is always a backup plan.

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